How-To: Use Cypher DSL for programmatic queries
- 7 minutes read - 1416 wordsI recently had the opportunity to play with the Cypher DSL (domain-specific language) library, and I found it difficult to figure out syntax for some of the queries I was trying to construct.
This blog post will hopefully help you understand how to construct your own programmatic queries with Cypher DSL by showing you syntax for nodes, relationships, and filtering. Then see how this in action with some examples for assembling those components into full queries translated from common clauses, functions, and result formats in Cypher.
What is Cypher DSL?
Cypher DSL generates Cypher queries using methods for filtering, pattern-matching, and more. Using a DSL could be an alternative way to assemble query syntax outside of plain text, meaning it is also type-safe (safer against injection) and offers query parsing and other functionality outside of executing queries.
Further detail is available in the readme of the Cypher DSL Github repository.
What was missing?
When I explored the Cypher DSL for another project I was working on, I found the existing examples missing some syntax, requiring me to comb the docs, API, code, and one example repo to cobble together my syntax. (Note: the function section of the docs explicitly states that not everything is documented.) Though there are several examples in the repo, they were missing what I needed and are all in test format, which meant I also had to translate from testing syntax (assertThat
, etc) to actually running a query against the database and retrieving results (interacting with Result
and Record
return objects).
This left me feeling bummed and spending way more time than I wanted constructing queries from multiple snippets of source material. In this post, I hope to consolidate this knowledge a bit by providing some starter examples that cover all the basic syntax for you to construct your own queries.
Let’s get started!
Project setup
My code repository for these examples uses JBang scripts and includes dependencies for the Neo4j Java Driver and the Cypher DSL library.
The examples use a Neo4j Aura free tier instance with a pre-loaded example data set (instructions for import available in the repository). Each example focuses on a different component of Cypher queries - finding individual nodes, filtering node properties, finding patterns (using relationships), and filtering patterns (with filter expressions and result-ordering).
Each of the example scripts sets database credentials from environment variables and creates a driver instance. Next is Cypher DSL syntax to construct the query, defining the entities up front with variables. Some of the examples define nodes and relationships within the .match()
method, but I found it easier to read if I defined nodes and relationships to individual variables and then used those variables in the Cypher.match()
The next code block is the try-catch
section that creates a driver session and calls the query. In order to run the Cypher, I needed to render the programmatic syntax into text using the Renderer
and then execute that.
Lastly, the script loops through the records in the result object and prints them to the console, catches any errors, and closes the driver.
Finding nodes and filtering
The first examples focus on finding nodes and filtering them by property value.
To find product nodes with Cypher, you might use a query like this one:
MATCH (p:Product)
RETURN p.productId, p.productName;
var products = Cypher.node("Product").named("p"); //(p:Product)
var query = Cypher.match(products)
The code above sets the variable products
to a Cypher DSL node with label Product
and creates a node variable p
. This would be the equivalent to the Cypher syntax (p:Product)
. Next, the query gets constructed by calling a .match()
for the MATCH
clause, passing in the product nodes, and then returning the productId
and productName
[p.productId: "1", p.productName: "Brazilian - Organic"]
[p.productId: "2", p.productName: "Our Old Time Diner Blend"]
[p.productId: "3", p.productName: "Espresso Roast"]
[p.productId: "4", p.productName: "Primo Espresso Roast"]
[p.productId: "5", p.productName: "Columbian Medium Roast"]
In the next example, you can start applying filters for node property values and return full objects rather than specific properties. Here is the sample Cypher statement:
MATCH (p:Product {productName: "Columbian Medium Roast Sm"})
RETURN p{.*};
var coffee = Cypher.node("Product").named("p")
.withProperties("productName", Cypher.literalOf("Columbian Medium Roast Sm")); //(p:Product {productName: "Columbian Medium Roast Sm"})
var query = Cypher.match(coffee)
The first variable finds nodes with label Product
and sets to a node variable p
, then looks for a property (.withProperties()
) called productName
with a value equal to "Columbian Medium Roast Sm"
The next variable constructs the query by calling the match()
method for those coffee
nodes and returns the coffee object projected with all key/value pairs.
[p: {promo: "N", taxExempt: "Y", unitOfMeasure: "8 oz",
productId: "28", retailPrice: "$2.00 ", wholesalePrice: "0.4",
productDescription: "A smooth cup of coffee any time of day. ",
productName: "Columbian Medium Roast Sm", newProduct: "N"}]
Now that you can assemble Cypher for nodes with property filters and a couple different return formats, the next examples add relationships to the mix and help construct patterns!
Finding nodes and filtering
To start, you can pull related entities for a node with something like the Cypher below:
MATCH (c:Category {category: "Coffee"})<-[rel:ORGANIZED_IN]-(t:Type)<-[rel2:SORTED_BY]-(p:Product)
RETURN p.productId, p.productName;
var category = Cypher.node("Category").named("c")
.withProperties("category", Cypher.literalOf("Coffee")); //(c:Category {category: "Coffee"})
var types = Cypher.node("Type").named("t"); //(t:Type)
var products = Cypher.node("Product").named("p"); //(p:Product)
var query = Cypher.match(products
.relationshipTo(types, "SORTED_BY")
.relationshipTo(category, "ORGANIZED_IN"))
The first variable has very similar syntax to retrieving a specific product in the node filtering example above, though this looks for a node with the Category
label and a category
property value of Coffee
and sets those to the node variable c
. Then the next two variables find related Type
and Product
nodes, respectively.
Finally, the query is constructed, and you might notice that relationships are not defined up front into separate variables, but instead within the match()
method itself. The match looks for products with a relationship to the Type
nodes, which have a relationship to Category
nodes. (Note: you could use the reverse relationshipFrom()
method to define incoming relationships.) Similar to previous examples, this query returns the productId
and productName
properties of Product
[p.productId: "22", p.productName: "Our Old Time Diner Blend Sm"]
[p.productId: "23", p.productName: "Our Old Time Diner Blend Rg"]
[p.productId: "24", p.productName: "Our Old Time Diner Blend Lg"]
[p.productId: "25", p.productName: "Brazilian Sm"]
[p.productId: "26", p.productName: "Brazilian Rg"]
In the next example, you can filter relationships using the Cypher WHERE
clause and a greater than
expression, as well as return ordered and limited results. Here is what that would look like in Cypher:
MATCH (p:Product {productName: "Latte"})<-[rel:CONTAINS]-(o:Order)
WHERE rel.quantity > 2
RETURN o.transactionId, p.productName, rel.quantity AS quantity
ORDER BY quantity DESC
var product = Cypher.node("Product").named("p")
.withProperties("productName", Cypher.literalOf("Latte")); //(p:Product {productName: "Latte"})
var orders = Cypher.node("Order").named("o"); //(o:Order)
var containsRel = product.relationshipFrom(orders, "CONTAINS").named("rel"); //(p)-[rel:CONTAINS]-(o)
var quantity ="quantity"); //rel.quantity
var query = Cypher.match(containsRel)
The first variable syntax follows previous examples, but looking for Product
nodes with a productName
equal to Latte
and setting those to node variable p
. The next three variables looks for (o:Order)
relationship between product and orders (set to node variable rel
), and the relationship’s quantity
Constructing the query matches the relationship (with connected nodes), then filters using the .where()
method to look for order quantities greater than 2 (WHERE rel.quantity > 2
). The query returns the order’s transactionId
, product’s productName
, and the relationship’s quantity
properties, as well as orders results by quantity in descending order and limits results to the top 10.
[o.transactionId: "5695cf16-4957-4082-afda-1adbe0da52f4", p.productName: "Latte", rel.quantity: 3]
[o.transactionId: "8f67b240-f442-4c02-9030-37023443bbcf", p.productName: "Latte", rel.quantity: 3]
[o.transactionId: "6fa18355-609f-47f9-b585-e617553bd2b8", p.productName: "Latte", rel.quantity: 3]
[o.transactionId: "8b523b23-22b2-4154-812c-e79a99202fb2", p.productName: "Latte", rel.quantity: 3]
[o.transactionId: "20799227-8f4a-424f-ab61-b8586d3b49eb", p.productName: "Latte", rel.quantity: 3]
Wrapping Up!
In this post, you constructed a few starting examples that cover many of the commonly-used Cypher clauses, patterns, and functions. If there are some examples you would like to see added, please create a pull request or reach out to me, and I’ll try to put those together.
As always, happy coding!
Github repository: Accompanying code for this blog post
Github repository: Cypher DSL library
Docs: Cypher DSL documentation
Examples: Cypher DSL official examples (tests)